Release Notes
Last updated
Last updated
Tutorial Manager could be Enable/Disable without affecting existing progress
Same module could be added into single Tutorial Objects.
Bug Fixes and Updates:
Fixed editor bug for adding and removing targets.
Added Bound Module.Bound Module
Added global events for different state of Stage and Tutorial objects.
Added option to initialize Tutorial Manager manually.
Added font assets override for InfoDisplay and Popup module.
Added runtime text change event for InfoDisplay and Popup module.
Bug Fixes and Updates:
Removed obsolete event system.
Fixed StepBack API function call.
Fixed Custom Module property drawing bug.
Added support for Unity new input system.
Added custom raycast to handle scene objects clicking events.
Added back button to PopupUIMask. Now it is able to go back to to previous Tutorial step with back button.
Added API function 'StepbackTutorial()' in Tutorial Manager instance. Calling this would allow user to go back to previous Tutorial step.
Added customizable option for close button, advance button and back button in PopupUIMask.
Removed Physics Raycaster component from camera. This component would not be added during runtime. It is replaced by HSVInputManger to handle scene objects detection.
Added trigger for individual Targets. Allows user to deactivate specified Target without stopping Tutorial Object.
Added Pointer Type to Collider Config.
Added new 'Transform' bound type to 'Target Bound Type'. Allows user to use Target transform bound not including its children transforms.
Added new Event system to Stage and Tutorial Objects (Old event would be removed in version 1.30).
Bug Fix and Updates:
Updated Expose Reference script to store scene object reference.
Updated Editor layout for better visual.
Updated Tutorial Manager state system.
Updated Demo Scene to include the usage of Trigger Configuration in Targets.
Fixed several minor editor bugs.
Fixed Editor play/stop buttons bugs.
Added Distance Display option to the Position Module.
Fixed minor Editor bug when duplicating/pasting object configuration.
Fixed Focus Dim Module canvas sorting order not correctly initialized when module starts.
Fixed Popup Module scale in/out animation not correctly display.
Fixed Arrow Module not correctly positioning around Target with 'Rect Offset' value.
Fixed Arrow Module not fading in when 'Track OffScreen' is enable/disable repeatedly.
Fixed PhysicsRaycaster component not getting removed correctly when Tutorial manager is removed.
Updated documentation to correctly indicate PhysicsRaycaster component being added to MainCamera.
Added Position Module to the built-in list. New module could spawn a display icon on top of target.
Added effect prefab spawning for individual tutorial target. Every tutorial target could have extra prefab spawn on specified location.
Added 'useRigidBodyTag' option for tag filtering in Trigger Config. If not use rigidbody for tag, it would use tag of collider/trigger's gameobject.
Added new Position Module demo to the demo scene.
Fixed Stage state and Tutorial state not being correctly initialized.
Fixed Tutorial state name not updating on runtime if state changed.
Fixed inspector error for module config.
Updated inspector look for better displaying.