Create Tutorial Manager
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Good to know: Tutorial Manager can be created on runtime or through Editor menu bar
Tutorial Manager is the core component of Tutorial Factory. It contains all the stages and tutorials configurations that would be used at runtime. Tutorial Manager could be disable or deleted once you are done with the tutorials.
Click on Tools -> HSVStudio -> TutorialManager -> Setup Tutorial Manager. This creates new Tutorial Manager gameobject if no existing Tutorial Manager is found. It will also setup and initialize Tutorial Manager's on scene references on creation.
Tutorial Manager component would add PhysicsRaycaster component onto Main Camera used by Tutorial Factory. PhysicsRaycaster is used to detect pointer event on scene object as seen through Main Camera. Please remember to remove PhysicsRaycaster if you find that it is not removed by Tutorial Manager on its removal.
'Create New Database' button creates database resource assets.
'Load Database' button loads stored configuration to the existing Tutorial Manager.
'Save Database' button saves Tutorial Manager configurations to the asset resource.
Database asset file is used to store users' level design information. Please be aware that scene objects are referenced using HSVExposeReferenceMgr component which is hidden on hierarchy. If you simple make a new scene and copy over scene objects over, and then load the database asset file, the scene object reference may not work for the Tutorial Objects.
You could save configuration on PlayMode, and then load back the configuration on Editor Mode.
Please setup references for Camera and Canvas field.
Camera would be used by Tutorial Manager to track scene objects. Canvas is used to position modules UI. If 'Assign On Runtime' is checked, Camera and Canvas would be searched on runtime if there are no reference assigned by user.